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Cat’s Blossoms & Blooms

Grow Your Own Joy: Therapeutic Gardening With Cat’s Blossoms & Blooms

Hello There, Cat Here!
Welcome to the creation story of Cat’s Blossoms and Blooms, INC. I look forward to having you on this journey with me.

As a child, my mom was always working on our gardens. Our yard always looked amazing. She planted beautiful flowers and nurtured a vegetable garden as well. I was always eager to be involved. Mom dubbed me “My Little Helper.” With the sun’s rays heating us, we dug into the dirt. Mom would place the flower seeds exactly where she wanted them, and I would plant them where she placed them. As we worked together, she imparted her gardening knowledge to me.

Those moments with my mom in the garden were carefree and glorious. As an adult, I often wish I could be back in that garden working with my mom, and I began to ponder how to make gardening my future business.
Knowing that working in the garden eliminated my stress and anxiety, I wondered if there was a way to make my second act a business infused with my love of gardening. These thoughts lingered in my mind. Currently, my work requires me to spend hours sitting at a desk as I work on accounting and field property management calls. I find satisfaction in completing tasks, and I take pride in my work. However, it does not feed my soul. Being sedentary and disconnected from nature has made me stressed and resentful. The lack of physical movement and emotional connection to the outside world has wreaked havoc on my body and spirit. While it is hard to walk away from one profession and reinvent yourself, I knew it had to happen to avoid losing myself.

My lightbulb moment came one summer day as I was in line at a local gardening store. Approaching the cash register, a woman in front of me who was a few years my senior, asked the cashier if there was someone she could hire to help her plant the items she had in her cart.

The cashier looked lost. Bam…this was it!

Suddenly, I realized that there have to be plenty more women everywhere who need someone to help them with their plantings because of physical or time constraints that limit them from being able to create a garden oasis of their own. Even my dear mother has begun needing help with her gardening now that she is in her golden years. It was there and then that I decided I would be the one to help others with their gardening needs.
That summer Cat’s Blossoms and Blooms, INC was born.

Today, this new business is my passion and so dear to me. My work makes me feel safe and grounded. To me, nothing is better than my hands in the dirt working to plant a living thing. Whenever something bothers me, I turn to the garden to work through it. Even the methodical and tedious act of weeding helps me process whatever issue I am experiencing. My hope is to help others build a personal retreat in their yard. I am excited to help others create their personal gardening oasis.

Thank you for walking with me on my journey to help others through what I call ‘Peace in Planting.’


  • Darlene Gray

    Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulpu tate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero.

    February 14, 2018
  • Flora Morgan

    Fusce lacinia eu libero vel cursus, aliquam volutpat tempor ultrices. Mauris sit amet iaculis nisi. Aenean a porttitor felis. Pellentesque quis odio viverra, luctus tortor in, porta sem.

    February 14, 2018

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